To show the student an array of statements and get them to understand whether the given statement is a compliment, is an insult or is ambiguous. An effort will also be made to teach the students the concept of sarcasm – though it is doubtful that this will be understood by the little darlings.
Materials Needed
1) Classroom utensils as standard
2) Many sheets of paper with statements on them
3) A GCSE in Drama, a sense of humor and no inhibitions when it comes to making a tit of oneself.
4) Patience
5) A camera
6) Some flowers
7) Khanom
Just act like a schizophrenic for the lesson scaring the wits out of and complimenting your students. Use lots of cue cards with things written on them and act really bitchy to some students and really nice to others.
Show the difference between compliments and insults and then get the students to compliment and insult one another too by applying the cards! This will pretty much be a laughter lesson though lots of statements will be learnt and blood may be shed.
Pretend to take pictures of “beautiful students” and screw up your face at “Ugly students” and stuff like that. Don’t take it too far though or people may become offended and hate you forever!
Get the students to mind map/brainstorm/thought shower some insults and compliments of their own and then get the students to classify everything as a compliment, an insult or an ambiguous comment that can be taken either way.
Comments for Cards
You look so beautiful! Have you been drinking?
Oh my god you are so ugly! You must have been bad in your last life.
Are you pregnant? Did you fall from the ugly tree?
Wow! I love your hair! Have you lost weight?
Hey can I take your picture?
I am doing an article on elephants and was wondering if you’d be interested…
You have such nice brown eyes. Are you an angel?
You’re so clever! I wish one day I was as clever as you.
You speak English really well! I’ve never met anyone like you.
You look so pretty when you smile? You’re amazing.
You look queer! I miss you!
You play football really well! I can tell you like eating and sleeping.
Why don’t you have a boyfriend? I know why you don’t have a girlfriend!
I’ve fallen in love with you. You are so selfish.
You don’t care about anyone but yourself. You cry crocodile tears.
He is really friendly. You can trust her. She can’t be trusted.
She’s not a nice person. She thinks too much.
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