TEFL Games for All Ages

Students who are learning English as another language should have access to as many picture books as possible. A lot of literature skills can be taught using picture books so that real understanding occurs.

Activities – Word Association

Begin by saying a word such as “Park”For example:Teacher: ParkStudent A: GrassStudent B: TreesStudent C: JoggingStudent D: PicnicStudent E: Sandwich

If the students can’t answer (count 5-4-3-2-1) then he must stand up. The last student seated is the winner. If the association is not obvious ask the student to explain the association.

Last Letter

The last letter of the word must be the first letter of the next word.

Scrunch a piece of paper into a ball.Throw the ball to a student who says a word eg dogWhen answered the ball is thrown back to the teacher and then onto another student.They must reply with a word starting with ‘G’ such as girl.The ball is thrown back to the teacher and it is then thrown to another student who must answer with a word beginning with l. Continue the game.

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